Saturday, 8 February 2014

The New Year Project: Strengths

What are your strengths? What are the things you're good at?

I must admit that I have been putting off answering this question today. It is always so much easier to see all of our weaknesses and to focus on the stuff we struggle with. Strange how we shy away from letting others know that we do, in fact, know that we are pretty great in our own little way.

For me, however, it’s an internal battle trying to change various aspects of myself in order to be better or to do better. But I have realised that each time I do this, I fail to appreciate all the good things and take it all for granted.

So, without holding anything back, here it is:-  

I am an open and friendly person that gets along well with most people.  I am trustworthy, honest, responsible and a great listener. I have a big heart and love deeply. I have built up some resilience and have found that I can deal with some pretty tough situations. I can be pretty determined (a.k.a stubborn... :p ) and won’t give up easily. Along the way, I have also picked up some great organisation skills. I love cooking and baking and would say that I am pretty decent at it.

Sigh! It seems that talking about oneself isn’t soooo bad after all. J

Please feel free to comment below. 
Check out the page, The New Year Project, above for the complete list.  

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