But, I am not.
That is OK, right?
I feel an odd sense of calm. I wake up every morning easily, after a peaceful night’s sleep. I don’t feel forced to do anything. I am not pressed for time. Just free to simply be. This is strange though, because for once, there is no guilt. For once I am not feeling helpless. There is a little flicker of hope growing in my heart.
For the last couple of days I have filled each minute with writing, updating my blog, listening to music and helping out around the house. I enjoy taking care of my family.
Yes, it is still weird not having a definite direction. But I think
that for now I have to come to terms with it. I will start looking for something
to do. Something light and fun. And I will start trying to do the things that I have never found the time to do before.
I am hesitant to start looking at my future options. I saw a new psychologist today. The session was basically filled with me
telling her about everything that has led me to my current situation. She wanted
me to fully realise that everything I have been through is quite a lot for a 23
year old to have had to deal with. And she thinks that I have been handling it all very
well. I felt strong telling her everything. I was not sad or tearful. I am proud of how far I have come. I am proud of the resilience that I have built up over the past few years.
Writing helps. Getting lost in my thoughts and putting them all down on paper. I can release the emotions. Set them free so that they have no power over me. I can me in control of the narrative, but I can also just simply let the words lead me to conclusions still to be realised.
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