Last night I met the perfect guy.
But absolutely nothing
And I will probably never see him again.
So there really isn’t any story here. Except that he is
perfect, and I can’t help
wishing that something more had happened. “What if..?” keeps running through my
See, we only spoke briefly before we were interrupted. Later
he offered to help me with some random thing I was doing. (Sigh, it’s the small
things that get me...) Even though our conversation lasted maybe 3 sec, I discovered
that he is a high school economics teacher at this exclusive boys hostel somewhere
inland. He told me that he started studying in 2007, which would make him about 25 years old (if my calculations are correct... Obsessed much???!!) His reason for being on campus, at our little gathering, was because they were on
holiday. He came with a friend.
There was just something about him that was different to
the guys that I see every day. Besides the fact that he is GORGEOUS, he’s also
the kinda guy that stands on the side lines if he doesn't know too many people.
But is confident and open enough to hold a conversation.(no matter how short..)
I was kicking myself, the whole night after I got back to
my room, because I didn't take a chance and just talk to him more. I stuck with my friends the whole night.
I know that nothing
more would have come of it, but I kinda hate that I missed the opportunity - all because
I was feeling a little awkward and insecure.
This seems to be a thing with me. I hesitate to go out
and speak to people because I'm afraid I will be awkward and not have anything
to say. It’s not that I am shy. I guess I just need to gain a little more
confidence in myself. With regard to a whole spectrum of things, might I add... But first things first right? I need to embrace the curly haired girl that I am, and not be afraid to step out of my comfort zone from time to time, no matter the challenge! No holding back!
But for now I just need to let go of this one encounter and take it as a learning curve... Here's to something better in the future! J